September is almost here, which means we're that much closer to October. HALLOW'S EVE! Fall time, baby! Too damn excited. & having a child to enjoy it with makes it that much more exciting. :)
I've been planning a lot of things in my busy mind. I have so many ideas. Ari will only be 6 months around Halloween, but that doesn't mean I can't make it special, or have an adorable photo opp. You feel me? Each year will just get better & better.
So we have decided that little miss Ari's costume will be:
A CUPCAKE! She's as sweet as a cupcake. Suits her.
It was on sale at Old Navy. Couldn't resist. I feel like her first costume is a big deal. I thought for months about what she should be. & this just hit the nail on the head. My cute little cuppy cake. I already know that when she's older & mobile, I want her to be a Starbucks frappuccino. I've seen designs & DIY on Pinterest. & I just noticed I've mentioned two foods, sweets at that.
Cupcakes & Coffee. hehe
I also purchased this at Old Navy for her to wear around the house & be comfy but also be in the spirit at the same time.
Did I mention it glows in the dark, too? ;)
I also purchased this at Old Navy for her to wear around the house & be comfy but also be in the spirit at the same time.
Did I mention it glows in the dark, too? ;)
I've been thinking about special traditions to do & things to get for the home. I want her to look back one day & think about the good times she had with mommy & daddy during the holidays.
A Countdown to Halloween
(You can purchase this at Pottery Barn. But I think I could make a cuter version.)
I will be using this idea for Halloween AND Christmas. My own mom did this for Christmas when I was younger & I loved waking up each morning & changing the date :)
And of course, you gotta have some holiday reads! A perfect gift for a little baby. She LOVES when I read to her. She sits back, kicks her feet up, and smiles.
Some of these books are old classics with a Halloween twist. How cute?
(Also can be purchased at Pottery Barn)