Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Cupcake Love

Soooo... Hubby went out of town to DC for a work trip. I don't know if any of you watch "DC Cupcakes".. but I'm obsessed! I've always wanted to try their cupcakes. I wrote Jaime a text & said "man...if I had some of those cupcakes, I'd just die." Not even a minute later, he sent me a picture of the cupcakes & said, "Already thought of always make me ruin your surprises."

If you're in the DC area, I suggest trying them! It's called Georgetown Cupcakes & their show is DC Cupcakes. BTW, I am typing this while feeding Ari :) She says hello!



  1. Can you believe I've lived here for 12 years and JUST tried Georgetown cupcakes last week?! I got cheesecake and key lime! soooo yumy!

    1. Oh my goodness, you're so lucky. If I lived there I'd be one broke mama... Starbucks + their cupcakes. The Red Velvet was my favorite. It's their best seller :)
